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Friend # 939982... Hi again...whats with the game lately.... When playing the caller is normal then all of a sudden it rattles of numbers one after another at break neck speed....lost cards....2 lottery numbers and any chance of getting a bingo. Please report this because it's not the first time. Thanks


Last Active


  • Friend # 939982... Hi again...whats with the game lately.... When playing the caller is normal then all of a sudden it rattles of numbers one after another at break neck speed....lost cards....2 lottery numbers and any chance of getting a bingo.

    Please report this because it's not the first time.

    December 2016
  • My friend number is...939982..Hi..hope all is well with you.

    I hate to trouble you but I have a couple of questions...

    First..when is that bug regarding not being able to get lottery numbers when you have enough chips...still can't get them usually when I have 400 chips and the lottery cost 250. there a limit on how many consecutive days you can play? I ask because yesterday I got the full amount available..played over 60 days straight...and today I go to claim chips and they are gone and I am back to starting over....lost a few diamonds no big deal really on that but just over 1500 in chips after my bad streak of luck yesterday. I make sure every morning while I have my coffee..I go through all my games and collect coins...coin not play but always collect.

    I looked for any game updates....none...install and reinstall...but nothing....if this is a it related to iPhone updates...did on just before I turned in.
    November 2016
  • My friend number is...939982. One is Tapjoy for promos..the other on is a different's logo looks like a rocket...thanks for your help.

    Can we purchase chips with diamonds? All I keep getting on the daily spin is 2 diamonds and today is again 2 diamonds and 350 chips....I think it's my 12th consecutive day...can't play with that little chips amount cards are at least 150 or more...thanks
    September 2016