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Friend # 939982... Hi again...whats with the game lately.... When playing the caller is normal then all of a sudden it rattles of numbers one after another at break neck speed....lost cards....2 lottery numbers and any chance of getting a bingo. Please report this because it's not the first time. Thanks


Last Active


  • What I want is for your company to start taking responsibility for the company you partner with that is suppose to supply the rewards for filling out surveys and watching the ads for chips...stop passing the buck
  • Using caps got your attention...
  • I have lost more chips then I can count by your game kicking me off and or freezing... TrailPay offers an excellent Offer Wall with a wide range of rewards.  For TrialPay support instructions (Facebook or Yahoo) Yeah my arse. If you…
    in chips Comment by deb January 2016
  • Game is okay....Shouldln't have spent money cuz your card cost are to much in comparison to chips you give away. Your trial offers are BAD..can't get into them AT ALL.....will not recommend to ANYONE.
    in Feedback Comment by deb January 2016
  • Tried to earn chips..NONE of them will let me...this SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!  How am I supposed to earn chips to play......NOT IMPRESSED AS IT IS WITH THIS GAME....YOU SEND ME EMAILS AND ALL I GET IS A LOSEY 500 CHIPS ALL THE TIME......GOING TO REMOVE IT FR…