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Bad Call (was 'cheater')

amayaamaya Unconfirmed
edited June 2015 in Wild Party Bingo
hello... i just want you to know that im so sad cause most of my bingo was right numbers but when i clicked the bingo button it says bad call... im so positive i got the right numbers... the worst is sometimes two bingo card


  • LogisiticsLogisitics Administrator, Community Manager, Asylum Labs over 20,000,000 bingos so far we have yet to have "bad call" be an actual bug we can verify.

    A couple things can happen:

    - sometimes the 'booster' of pink chip stack can kinda look like a daub, and people mistakenly think they have marked that square

    - sometimes while daubbing multiple numbers quickly (say, after a refresh) people can accidentally hit one they dont intend to

    - people mistakenly think we support corners, which at this time, we do not.

    In the future, i would suggest (if you have time) to check the Flashboard before hitting bingo.  The flashboard never lies, and shows all the balls ACTUALLY called.  If you check the flashboard, and are STILL sure the balls have been called in your bingo, and you get a Bad Call, then its a true bug and we are happy to open a support ticket (and reimburse you).

    Hope this helps,
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