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Purchase failed

Hi Morpheus,

I am really enjoying playing Wild Party Bingo, even with the bots;)

Several times last night and twice today I attempted to purchase diamonds. My Apple ID stated "purchase successful" but the WPB app gave a "purchase failed" pop up. Now I'm wondering if I was charged for each attempt. I didn't even think about taking a screen shot either time. Can you check on this for me? My Friend ID is 412034.

Thanks again for a great game and interactive forum.



  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    we are investigating now Kat...thanks.

  • KatKat Member
    Thank you!
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Not sure what happened so i just gave you a bunch of chips.
    iOS purchases are broken until Apple approves new release, sorry.


  • KatKat Member
    I was trying to purchase diamonds. Thanks for the chips though.
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Kat, so sorry!  I just gave you a FAT STACK of diamonds :)

  • KatKat Member
    Thank you so much!! I played all day while I was out sick from work. I love WPB and have seen more ppl join. Thumbs up
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Excellent Kat, so glad your having fun!  Invite all your friends, free chips for each invite!

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