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new way game plays

First of all I do not like the changes you have made to the game.  We were granted a certain amount of points everyday--now we have to spin a wheel--dumb.  You used to be able to click on a fellow player when he gave you a dob or bingoed, and it would add to the green to help you level up,  where did that go?  We will never be able to get on to the next level or get enough diamonds, what is wrong with you???  I may play a few more times but this game is by far not going to be my favorite anymore, and I'm sure the other loyal players will feel the same--you're in it for the money now not the pleasure of playing the game.  I logged on to Yahoo to play this game it skipped so much I couldn't play and twice I had bingoes it didn't even register which didn't help my team any--I don't know who came up with these bright ideas, but they suck, why couldn't you leave well enough alone???  What's the matter got $$$ signs in your eyes???  I have never paid to play a game and I'm not about to start no matter how much I like the game--there are many games out there that can replace yours...


  • who else feels this way???
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Lets see if i can address each point:

    1.  The wheel is much better than the previous Daily Reward, i have explained this on the other thread you started about that topic in particular.

    2.  You still get XP for saying "thank you" and "good job" when prompted in-round.  You never got XP for just doing it at will (in lobby for example).  This has not changed.

    3.  "Skipping" or performance problems happen from time to time with all multiplayer games, may i suggest you try a less busy time or improve your internet connection.


  • I've noticed you automatically get your team, you don't get to move to other teams like we used to, and saying thank you to people to get 3-6 stars is not working on mine.  I also noticed that when you play a round if you were in first you would win 3 things, 2nd 1 thing, that is not there anymore, how are you supposed to up your help, disrupt, glasses, etc????
  • can someone answer my question above please
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    calk:  many of your concerns are addresssed above.

    as for the 'not moving to other teams' this has not changed either.  When you first join a game via the lobby, you get to choose.   AFTER that, you stay on the same team, unless you choose to move to another team (between rounds).   This has not changed since we launched the game 13 months ago.

    You still win stuff when you get 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  

    hope this helps,

  • ok when I started playing you would enter the game and there would be teams of 1-4.  You would be able to click on one of those teams to join, I can't any longer.

    when we win it doesn't pop up with what you won so you know, again when you win 1st place it would always show 3 items, when you came in 2nd it would show you 1 item so each time you would know what you won mine doesn't show anything anymore

    Is it just my game that has changed or is not working properly because these are differences I am experiencing, is there anyway that you can see my game while I'm playing so you know what I'm experiencing?
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    calk, it sounds like you might have a bad build somehow?
    Do you play on desktop or mobile?  If mobile, do you login with Facebook connect?

    If so, go ahead and unistall the game.  Reinstall by downloading it again and try that.

    please do let us know as you are reporting problems we have not heard of from any other users.....


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