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email chips and spinning wheel

fc 417715 facebook, fc539604 yahoo.  has anyone found out what happened to the extra chips in email?  Also when I spin the wheel to get points, my days are under the hundreds, but I spin the wheel every day for points, when I get back on my days don't change, I don't get credit for all the days I've logged in, but I do get the spins and the credits whether coins or gems, can you please check into this or is this the way it works?


  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Calk,  you get 1 spin per day no matter what.  IF you come in a consecutive day, you get a 5% additional bonus on the wheel PER DAY.  Please verify:

    how many consecutive days you have played, and how many it SAYS you have played.


  • thank you for getting back to me so quickly.  you guys are the best....
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