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frozen bingo's

Hello, This is the second time I have tried to fix this problem.  I always get bingo's and click the bingo  button and it doesn't give me the credit for my win.  It has happened off and on for over a year.  I loose credit for my chips, power up and wins for me and my team.. I would like you to check my friends code and credit me for my lost. code 747236

Claire Stringham

ps. I am also quite up-set with players popping into my games when ever they want. pop in at the end of my game with the bots I want to play with and earn my teams bingo's. They pop in and out.  There is 8 players that look for me everytime I start playing bingo. How are they finding me?????? I checked my privaticy buttons they are turned off I think.... These players should not have my personal info and I DON'T WANT PLAYERS POPPING IN AND OUT OF MY GAMES WHEN EVER THEY WANT!!!!!

Thank you,
Claire Stringham
friend code 747236


  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Hi if they are friends they can join your games ; you may need to unfriend them. Also if you are playing the party time game anyone can join in your game .
    Cards to stick at times , happens to us all , it’s a nightmare I know .
    If your private no one can see your personal info, but they or anyone else can join your game , if you are friends or play the party time game .
    Not sure who is taking over from Allie , Allie has left wpb now due to poor health, I am a moderator ; I can only help with advise and pass complaints on etc.
    Unfortunately there has been no response from tech team or the boss, not sure when they will be here to help .
    I am just waiting for an announcement from someone.
    Wish I could help more.
    I will send your message over , not sure when they will reply, as I said not sure who is taking over reimbursements etc from Allie.

    Best wishes

  • MarionMarion Community Manager
    Hi Claire,

    If you are using party items, other players can hop in regardless whether you are friends or not.

    Reimbursements are on its way. Please give me some time to sort things out.

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