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WHY does this site drop numbers??? my friend code is 148767 !


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  • WHY does this site drop numbers??? my friend code is 148767 !
    September 2015
  • Sept 15, 2015
    Something is wrong with your website....on my 'personal' info the stats show I have only purschased 81% of the # of bingo cards for an has shown 81% for weeks !! despite the fact I play alomost daily 2 cards at a time!! Many of my other stats are also wrong...please check my site @ friend code 14867.
    September 2015
  • 29 Aug 2015..the past several days I watch the commercials to claim my chips and AFTER the commercial I get a message saying "sorry we are having trouble gibing you your chips now..try later" !?!?
    Annoying!  My friend code is 148767.

    Is anyone else having this problem ??

    August 2015
  • 4/05/2015. Wild Party Bingo has NO way to contact your company when there are connection issues !!...4 times this evening I was disconnected from a game and had NO way to get the credits back that I paid I lost 750 (for 2 card/game) + 500 for 4 games for the extra 5 ‪numbers = 5,000 credits LOST !!! If this continues to be a problem...guess I'll find another Bingo game !  

    What is wrong with the 'free claims reward' when I first check in every goes to level 3  on the third day (of 5 ) but then reverts to level one ??  I play everyday but never get past the 3rd level ???
    April 2015
  • forgot to give you my code numbers so you can credit  my account: 148767

    April 2015
  • 4/05/2015. Wild Party Bingo has NO way to contact your company when there
    are connection issues !!...4 times this evening I was disconnected from
    a game and had NO way to get the credits back that I paid I
    lost 750 (for 2 card/game) + 500 for 4 games for the extra 5 ‪#‎s‬ = 5,000 credits LOST !!! If this continues to be a problem...guess I'll find another Bingo game ! 
    April 2015