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  • sparkles
    3/17/16 Kicked off twice again today. Even removed the complete app yesterday in
    hopes of correcting the problem!!!!!  So why is it other players
    complain & get creditedd but I don't?? I see others have posted
    & have not been answered either, why is that????  It is friday &
    this has been happening for over , yes, over a week now every single
    day. Please credit all my refreshes, daubs, helpers, & searches.
    Thank You!!!!!
    Thursday. 5:32 kicked off again!!!!!!! Lost my cards, refresh & helper!! I'm
    done!!! I made alot of friends & was so comfortable playing until a
    week agon when this started!!! This is 3 times today!!!!! Too much!!! Im
    done, taking my money somewhere else!!!!!!! Hate to lose my friends!!!
    wednesday. 5:02 second time this morning!!!!!!!!!! Just lost a helper which I
    purchase, 4 cards, a refresh & my team!!!!!! 730736 is my friend
    code. For the past week now in the middle of a 4
    card bingo just after I send teamates a help I get disconnected, lose
    the team I was on & have to start over. This happens sometimes twice a
    morning between 4-6am est. every single morning for the past week
    the dickens is the support button in order to put a complaint in &
    to get my helps, refreshes, free daubs, cards, & other power
    Thank you!!! So sad, this was a great game, but I'm getting
    very disgusted w/this constant occurance, furthermore, I pay for those
    helpers, so I'm losing money too!!!!!!!!! Very disgusted, angry &
    March 2016
  • sparkles
    5:32 kicked off again!!!!!!! Lost my cards, refresh & helper!! I'm
    done!!! I made alot of friends & was so comfortable playing until a
    week agon when this started!!! This is 3 times today!!!!! Too much!!! Im
    done, taking my money somewhere else!!!!!!! Hate to lose my friends!!!
    5:02 second time this morning!!!!!!!!!! Just lost a helper which I
    purchase, 4 cards, a refresh & my team!!!!!! 730736 is my friend
    code. For the past week now in the middle of a 4
    card bingo just after I send teamates a help I get disconnected, lose
    team I was on & have to start over. This happens sometimes twice a
    morning between 4-6am est. every single morning for the past week
    now!!!!!!!!  Where the dickens is the
    support button in order to put a complaint in & to get my helps
    back, does anyone know? thank you!!! So sad, this was a great game, but
    I'm getting very digusted w/this constant occurance, furthermore, I pay
    for those helps, so I'm losing money too!!!!!!!!! Very disgusted, angry & mad!!!!!
    March 2016
  • sparkles
    Why are you not answering my posts????????

    March 2016