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4 Corners

Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
Hello :D

Is it ok if I ask a stupid question, which you probably have already answered, so I apologise in advance, but, are the 4 corners available for us to use now, please?

I'm scared to try it in case I get a "Bad Call" :(

Sorry again to bother you with this, I know you're incredibly busy.

Best wishes as always

Allie :D


  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Yeah, still not implemented.  We want to do something special with it, not just add it to the list of acceptable bingo patterns.  We're thinking something like special 4-corner rooms....or 4-corner modes, not sure.

    Any suggestions?
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    edited August 2015
    Hi, sorry for the delay in getting back to you, been deep in thought!!

    Now please keep in mind, Morpheus, I'm not a programmer or that pc savvy but I know my way around, that's about it. So if any of my ideas are ridiculous, so bad they can't be implemented, my apologies up front.

    Ok, you are unique in that WPB does NOT have the 4 corners. That in itself makes you different. My suggestion, keeping in mind I know very little, is to keep it this way. No corners.

    BUT - here comes my idea.... you know the one thing about WPB I really don't like that much, is the disruptors. Purely because I don't like inflicting upset on anyone (this is why I'm lousy at chess) SO... why not have a DISRUPTOR game of bingo?

    Here's how it would work, it's very simple (well it seems that way to me) You know how you have Blackout? That's a special game in itself. Disruptor Bingo could be for the die hard bingo players. You have your numbers on the board as usual, the caller calls out the numbers, but all the while, the same effects you use for when someone inflicts a Disruptor on a player, you have this effect for the full game. You really HAVE to have your wits about you. The only thing is, you may have to take off the Disruptor feature offline so no one can inflict it on another player - it may not even be a team effort, in fact, it may have to be single player (the more I think about it) So just as you have a single game now, you can offer single player games of Disruptor Bingo. And make the payouts slightly bigger than you offer now - make it worth the time, the effort, the wear on the eyes, lol. Many of your players really dislike this feature, BUT, if you made it a Special Feature die hard single player game, with higher payout and also extra diamond payout - well, I have never heard of Bingo being played under these conditions, have you? You can offer higher payout on coins, say 30 if clicked on a number showing coins, 5 diamonds on another number showing the diamond symbol... do you see where I'm going with this? Every one wins, those who ask for more coins and diamonds, will have the opportunity to win them. Make it clear that this is core hard Bingo at its best, only for the tried and tested, etc.

    I don't know if any of this could work, but, that is what I came up with. I'd certainly play it, I love a challenge!! 

    So these are my suggestions - no 4 corners, and a possibility of something along the lines of Disruptor Bingo.

    If all this is too crap, let me know.

    Love Allie :)
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Great ideas Allie, as always.  Keep 'em coming!

  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Thanks, Morpheus - but does that mean that there are some things in what I've said you guys can use? Or is it too unworkable?

    I'm huge on communication as you can see, so talk to me - please :)
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    So yes, there's some good stuff in there, I especially like the idea of MOVING disruptors, not just REMOVING (as others have suggested).  We do have other plans to extend single-player mode so that works well also.

    Not sure I agree w/ the 'no 4 corners' since a signifcant number of users have asked for it, and it's quite common as you say.  We prefer to differentiate ourselves based on what we do new/unique/exciting, but also have the base-line features Bingo players have come to expect.

    Having said that, instead of just adding it to the 'legal' Bingo patterns, we will likely do something interesting with '4 corners' like a special level (Blackout style) or something else....TBD

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