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Wild Party Bingo

I lost chips again. I bought cards and then could not mark them. and it bought cards again. Please help !!!


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello shonna

    I'm so sorry that this happened to you. If you could give me your friend code, I'll pass this on to the team and they will investigate for you.

    Best wishes

    Allie - moderator
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Shonna, you can also email  be sure to say what happened and how many chips you think you lost and we'll be happy to reimburse.


  • I have over a thousand disrupters and want to know when you are going to fix so we can exchange for something that we can use.  You keep saying that this will be fixed and nothing ever happens.
  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Rose, thank you for your note.
    To be clear, this is not a 'bug' that needs to be "fixed".  It is a feature of the game you dont like.

    You point out correctly that we have told you we will eventually provide an option for people with lots of disruptors who dont want to use them, but we do not have a date for this new features yet.


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