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Happy Birthday Allie!

I hope you're having a great day!! Best wishes, Mary


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Awww, thank you so much, Mary!! :D  :D

    My birthday is on Monday the 28th, so I still have just over a day before I gain another year... at this age, I've decided to add the numbers together to make them as close to single digits as I can (I'm not a big fan of this growing older business!!) Unfortunately this year, the lowest I can make my age, is 10... although I am reliably informed, that 55 is officially the time to be classed as "middle aged" and being in your 50's is the new "30's"

    Whatever I can do to hold the ageing process at bay (apart from plastic surgery, ugh, definitely not for me) believe me, I am doing it. I'm very lucky in that I have next to no wrinkles, and it annoys my girlfriends a great deal! I must have the no wrinkle gene :D

    Thank you again for remembering my birthday, you are an angel, Mary.

    Love and best wishes

    Allie xx
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