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How was your Christmas - was Santa good to you?

The Forum isn't just for reporting glitches, etc - it's also for us to get to know one another, and have a chat.

So, was Santa good to you this year? Did you get what you'd hinted/asked for? Or did you get something you can't wait to exchange?

I was very lucky - from my hubby, I received 2 9ct gold ruby rings, shower gel, a diary for my handbag, and a silver chain.

My children bought me body sprays by Charlie, and a silver cat charm for my Pandora bracelet.

I always treat myself to a present at Christmastime, and this year, it was a 14 ct gold pendant, saying "Mother" and connected underneath, were 2 little child figures, a boy and a girl. The body of the boy was in Blue Topaz, and the girl was a Garnet. It was the most unusual pendant I'd ever seen - it was "preloved" as I like to say, and not at all expensive - under $100 in American money.

We had a lovely quiet day - eating chocolate whilst exchanging gifts, then stuffing ourselves with our Christmas dinner, fit to bursting. We then collapsed into our lounge, to watch one of the best Christmas movies ever - "Die Hard"

How about you? What did you do?

Love and best wishes, Allie  xxxx
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