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A nice positive thread!

Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
I want to thank Morpheus and the team, for constantly being on the ball, and doing whatever they can, to make the game run as smoothly as possible.

They don't get the credit they deserve.

I'm writing this as a player, not as Forum Mod. I wear 2 hats, you see, so I can see both sides of the coin.

Morpheus is one of the kindest, considerate, and caring men you will ever meet - he cares deeply for the players, and for his team. This game is his baby, and he wants it to do well - more than well - he wants to see it grow to be the best!

It really does dishearten me when I see posts from players, shouting to be reimbursed, or that there is a problem - there is no need to shout - we can hear you! I also find it very upsetting to see words like

stolen  cheated  ripped off 

and then there are the phrases

"I hope I don't have to find another game to play" "If this isn't fixed, I won't play anymore" "I'll take my money elsewhere"

Why can't people be pleasant, even when things aren't going quite the way you hope they would? Why be aggressive? What happened to good manners? Does "Please" and "Thank You" cost anything?

I've noticed it is the same 5 people, who do show appreciation, who do show good manners, who are polite.

Let me ask you something. Would you really want to come to work, knowing all you had to face was an angry group of threads, demanding this and that - for what basically is a FREE game? Where you can get FREE chips? FREE diamonds? A fantastic game of bingo? Great slots?

Well, these guys do. Every day. To provide a game to make we players happy. They've just updated the servers, to make it run more smoothly. To that I say, "Thank you so very much! I hope you have a great day!"

This game has helped me, as a person, so much, in the last few months. I'm physically disabled, a wheelchair user, with a very painful crumbling spine, plus arthritis and fibromyalgia. This game helps distract me from the pain. I'll never be able to thank WPB enough, for all they have done for me. Even before I became a mod, I thanked them, and I'll go on thanking them.

So how about it, guys? Let's show Morpheus and the team some appreciation?


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