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WPB Meet - who would like to attend?

One of our great players, Sherrie aka crybaby, has come up with the idea of WPB friends all meeting up for a weekend, and of course, meeting the man behind it all, Jason aka Morpheus.

This is just the early planning stage, just to see who would be interested in taking part. If enough people would like to meet up, then we can start organising public transport, a hotel, etc.

I really need your help with this. I'm not American, I haven't the first clue how to do this on your side of the pond - I can easily do this in the UK, but not in the United States. So if you can all agree on a city, or state, where you would like to meet, then we can take it from there. Once the meet is finally underway, we can involve local media/news stations, which may go nationwide - you never know!

Just think - you'll be part of something which could be huge - the first time a group of friends from an online bingo game, brought together to meet the man who made the game for them. This would be a first - the news teams will love it! I know it would go down very well over here in the UK!

Let me and Morpheus know how you feel about a meet, and we'll do all we can to make it happen.

Best wishes

Allie, Community Manager   


  • crybaby1crybaby1 Member, Moderator
    awwww Thank you allie.Now that i have seen ths. I will let everyone know and hopefully it will get around fast. and other people like me will think it would be a blast

  • sound good.just hope it is close enough i can go..
  • That would be pretty cool actually.
  • why not would be so fun !!!
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    I think you will all need to decide where you would like to meet - Morpheus is in California - I don't know where the rest of you live.

    I'm just sad I can't meet any of you, as I live in the UK :(
  • This might be quite interesting actually!
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    I think it would be great for anyone who would be genuinely interested in meeting up. I think you'd all have a wonderful time!
  • crybaby1crybaby1 Member, Moderator
    i just wish there was a way we could let everyone know.It's hard to tell people in a chat because its hard to type read and play, I know for a fact if there was a way we could tell everyone about it you would have a lot of them wanting to do it....thanks allie, ya need to get out and play i know you busy busy with your new promotion
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hi Sherrie

    It's not WPB work that is keeping me busy - as you know, I recently moved house, and more needs doing to it than we originally suspected. As I'm in a wheelchair, it takes longer to do things, plus I have to wait for plumbers, carpenters, decorators, etc. It's a pain, but it has to be done. I'll get there eventually!

    Best wishes

  • crybaby1crybaby1 Member, Moderator
    I know exactly how you feel, If you remember right we moved at the same time, and i am going through disability for my hands i have carpol tunnel with severe nerve damage whjch after 5 yrs my case will be going to court in the next 2 to 4 weeks.And the house we moved into needs a lot of work the last 4 weeks i have scraped more paint off the hardwood floors than whats on the walls, scraped 3 floors,spackled,sealed,sanded till my fingers are cracked,sliced or bleeding. and im doing all this solo and for the first and i also work, so i dont get much sleep... just wanted to say GOOD LUCK with your new house and 1 of these days we can kick back and enjoy them...

  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Sherrie, I am so sorry that you are going through so much. I understand you perfectly. The decorating is finished now, but there are still 101 jobs to be tackled, and that doesn't include the daily cleaning... which is hard enough to do when my joints/neck/back are screaming and I take the morphine just so I can polish a table... thing is, I do laugh about it (once the morphine has kicked in!)

    It will all be worth it, in the end  :)
  • That would be so fun! I was thinking Las Vegas would be great then realized they may not appreciate the competition. there a way to find out where everyone lives then pick a central location Allie I would leave it up to everyone to secure their own accommodations. Maybe Morpheus could find a corporate facility there in Santa Cruzand invite the Press and some public invitations? This is easier said than done...big undertaking.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Mary, you've hit the nail on the head, it is a very big undertaking and as a non American, extremely difficult for me to take charge of. I would need someone to step forward and volunteer to get all who are interested, to band together and choose a place to meet and stay. Vegas sounds like a grand idea though!
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