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spin didn't count this morning

417715--sorry to bother you so soon after the monkey deal, but this morning I could not login, and then it loaded, got to the wheel, spun it, got disconnected from the game and spin didn't count could you please give me an extra spin?  It was still spinning when I got disconnected, when I could finally get in there, there was no spin offered it was open to start of the game


  • wrong fc number above FC number 539604--today again no wheel spin, this time I didn't even get the wheel so I didn't have spin in 2 days could you please check on this My number for both is FC539604 NOT fc417715.  I just don't want to start all over again with the wheel.

  • again--fc 539604--sorry to bother you again--but I got my spin for today--3/4/2016--now just need to get spin for yesterday--3/3/2016 because after spin I got disconnected while it was spinning--when I got back in there I got no other chance to spin.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Calk

    I've reimbursed what you lost.

    Best wishes

  • I'm so upset! Yes I went on yesterday, I sat and played a couple games, and lost most of my chips with the wheel, Now, your saying I didn't even go on. You use treat me So good, I loved this game more than any, but just like the rest of them, it's too bad, I miss Morpheus, He was about keeping you happy, the rest of them, Obviously, do NOT. All the proof is in All the comments I've read, And ... just the fact it lost my attention. I use to wake up, and couldn't wait to play, now I play once in a while, if I see someone else I know playing I play, up until I get cheated, then I leave.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    edited March 2016
    Hello Donna

    I'm not sure I know what you mean - both Morpheus and myself make sure that all our players are happy.  I'm the Community Manager, and I'm the same as Morpheus - I want all our players to have a great time with us. You can see that from all the comments I have made. And no one here would ever try to cheat you - if you have lost chips/diamonds through a technical fault, then you will be reimbursed, no question about it.

    Morpheus is here almost every day, you can always send him a message?

    Can you tell me how you lost some of your chips with the Party Wheel?

    We value you as a member of our WPB family, and we certainly don't want you to leave us. Come back and talk to me, and let's see how we can make things better for you.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

    Best wshes

    Allie  :)
  • Thank you for fixing this so quickly, you guys are great and so is the game.  Couldn't ask for better replies and done so quickly--love you guys.  Never had a problem with getting replies quickly--looks like you care for the players very much.  Great job !!!!
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Calk

    I can only echo what Morpheus has already said - we do care very much about our players - WPB isn't just a game, we've evolved into an online family. We care and support each other. If more players gan some knowledge about how the game works, and what can happen sometimes, the word can quickly be passed around that we are approachable, we are kind and friendly, and what's more, we are interested in each and every one of you. If we can help you out with a problem? You each in turn, can help someone else.

    What goes around, comes around. Let's spread some happiness, and faith in one another. Take time to do each other a good turn. Make WPB, the most fun bingo game on the internet, with a support network, that is second to none.

    With love

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