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Problems with game this weekend

Hello all you wonderful people at Asylum labs! many issues with the game this weekend I felt I just had to write. Don't want or need a refund but if you want my friend code it's 600793. The daub button has been sticking. I cannot always get into the store to buy more diamonds. When I press on the button at the top of the screen it won't take me anywhere so I try the button to the left of the screen, no luck there either. This next issue is one I have previously reported which seemed to be fixed . now starting up again. When I click on a friend's icon while in a game to communicate with them, I see the hash marks ( I think that's what they're called) but no icon at the end of the hashmark. Since I have the position of the icons memorized I tried clicking on them anyway but they didn't work. :( Another thing which is pretty consistently happening is when we are taken to the first window after each game it should show our icons in each of the four does. It seems that all the players are visible except your own team. Sometimes it'll display 1 or 2 people on our team, sometimes it's just blank. I hope this helps explain what's going on. The players are disgruntled and it is frustrating. Please know I still love this game and I still have such fun. It's just that sometimes I am forced to log off and no longer play because of these things. Thanks for listening and thank you for trying to fix these issues. You have created an amazingly enjoyable game. Thank you for that!! Hope this week is good for all of you. Mary Soard


  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Mary, thanks for this.  can you remind us what platform you are playing on?   (Facebook, iOS, Android etc)

  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hi Mary

    I'm so sorry that all these problems are persisting. If you can let us know what platform you're playing on, this will help us.

    Also, I tried to use your Friend Code, and it isn't recognised. Can you double check it is the right code, please?


    Allie xx
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