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lost chips,bingos and diamonds

yesterday as I was playing something was wrong with the game. when I was playing I would have up to 4 bingos and it would not give them to me so I was losing chips. I would buy power ups with my diamonds and it would take my diamonds but not give me the power ups . it would also kick me off of the server. this was repeated over and over. if you would could you please replace some of what I lost. you will see where I purchase diamonds and I bingo quite frequently. this has happened numerous times before but I would be understanding because I realize these things happen but I have never lost as much as I have yesterday. greatly appreciated!! I was playing with sherrie motes and grace salter ..I was telling them as this was happening so they could also tell you how bad this was also wouldn't let me daub a lot of the time. I had a great deal of trouble! thank you so much. Faith


  • my friend code 860111
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Faith

    I'm really sorry about the number of times you were disconnected from the game yesterday. I have reported this to the team. I've also reimbursed your losses - please let me know if you think I have been fair to you.

    Best wishes

    Community Manager
  • Hi Allie, yes I think it is fair ..I cant give you an exact amount of time that it occurred myself. I just knew that it was more than usual..i don't usually complain about these things . I know it is just a game. Thank You so much. Faith.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    You're more than welcome  :)
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