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Bad call

I have had this happen 4 timesa I have Bingo and he still calls another number and it won't count my bingo says to late and it IS NOT


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Charlotte

    Here is the link to our FAQ's

    In this part, explaining the game, it says

    round has a fixed number of Bingos available.  The number of
    Bingos changes, depending on how many cards were purchased by the
    players in that round.  When all the
    have been called, the round ends.  If you hit BINGO without
    a proper squares marked on your card, you will BAD CALL and the card
    will be
    forfeit.  The core game is really that simple!"

    There will be many other players all hitting bingo at the same time, and unfortunately, others will get there before you. It's happened to me, lots of times. I'm a daily player, just like you, and I understand it can be very frustrating.

    I hope this has helped you.

    Best wishes

    Community Manager
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