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slow to credit bingos

Allie, last nite I would bingo and it would take so long to acknowledge. 9:45 it started.... I bingo at 5 left, took so long to acknowledge that I lost that bingo. then 10 pm bingo at 3 left............waited so long......

tonight at 12:05   disconnect.


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Rhoni

    If I have what you are saying is correct, that your game of bingo was very slow, and then you were disconnected?

    Did you have more than one page open or another app running at the time? As this can sometimes be the cause of the slowness and disconnection.

    I'll let the tech team know about this, but as it is the weekend, it may be next week before we hear anything.

    Thank you so much for your patience  :)


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