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Lost diamonds

My code # is15187 as you know I've been playing now for almost 2years made it through the freezing stage, the being thrown out of the room but today really upset me I had over 44 diamonds and with the next game I only had 2 ! I try really hard not to use them but this really ticks me off I've worked such a long time to acquire them!! Please see if you can reimburse me !
Thank you Cathy 15187


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Cathy

    I'm really very sorry that this happened to you. When we are at fault, we always reimburse - so please don't be upset - have confidence that if something like this happens again, we will reimburse you.

    And that is what I've just done, everything is back to how it should be!

    If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.

    Best wishes

    Community Manager
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