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spin the wheel

10/7/2016, 7 pm est., I have been checking all day and have not been offered my daily spin..  I know you are tired of hearing this from me, but right now the game told me today I have spun 311 days which proves I have never missed a wheel spin..again can you look into this and give me my daily spin....


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    edited October 2016
    I promise you, I gave you your daily spin, yesterday

    I've done it again for you now, it's 21.35 pm London time UK, so it's 5 hours behind for you if you're on the east coast? You will have been offered your daily spin, otherwise you would have had a notice up saying that you had missed a day, and to be honest, I can't reset it again.

    I'll make a note that you have not missed a day in 311 days.
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