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Game seems to be fixed now!

Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
Apologies to all who were affected by the issues we were having with the server earlier. I want to thank all our loyal players who stood quietly and sensibly by us, waiting for the fix.

It's a joy to help you kind and understanding folk, it really is.

It's great to be working alongside those of you who don't shout at us (using capital letters); being called cheats; or the game cheating them; with lots of "!!!!!!!!"  and "????????"

It's wonderful to help those who remember their basic good manners.

It's so refreshing when we are helping players who remember that it's just a game, not life and death. Who bring their Friend Codes with them to report a problem.

Thank you to all those who appreciate the hard work we admin put into the game and player happiness - we truly appreciate you, too.


  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Here here Allie , with you on this xx
  • Unfortunately, it's not. Still same problems. I know you'll get it.
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Hi deebaugher, can you please explain the issues you are having please, and leave your friend code, so we can look into your account and issues

    Many thanks

    Loraine x
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