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faulty boards

Hi. I'm sure I'm having the same problem many others are having. It seems only one of my cards is active. The others don't count experience points, say bad bingo when you bingo even though it's not, and a number of other issues. I know you're working to fix this but I would like to request a refund. I've lost approximately 5,000 coins at least. 

My friend codes is 1294473.

I appreciate your help.


  • MimiMimi Member
    I am having the issue of bad bingo calls. Not getting any credit refund. Very frustrating!
  • Bad calls, game abruptly ending, lost 6 cards during play and lost spins. 
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Dee, I've refunded you now with a little extra to apologise for the inconvenience.

    Ladies, if you would please give me your Friend Codes, I will refund you.

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