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Ftao Morpheus

LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
Hi Morpheus any updates on new levels and party levels yet? Im at level 2627 on party levels, even tho it stops at 999 level.
I am just repeating over and over waiting lol, what will happen with mine when new levels get added? As it only goes to 999, but I've played on and it says I'm at 2627, I'm just repeating levels over and over.

Can you please get back to me , with some info on this please

Best wishes



  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    Hi Loraine, wow, impressive Party score!  We hope to add new parties but its not clear when...we'll let you know.
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Ok , Thank you for your reply :)
  • Why not allow us to exchange say 50 poker chips for helpers, refreshers etc... Can't see the chips just sitting there and not being able to use for a good cause.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Sorry Chico, I can't see that happening. It's not how the game works. If there are going to be any substantial changes, Morpheus will make an announcement.
  • Was only an idea!!!
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