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Party items not working again auto bingos etc . Reinbursments please .

LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
Hi , the party items , not working again , technical issues with game , if you are suffering losses etc , could you please leave a description of issues etc , friend codes please .

Hi Allie loads probs again with game , a lady has been buying diamonds 325 for £19.99 , she has not had the use of them , nothing working , I've had same issues myself , loosing chips diamonds , just technical issues again , I know and understand . Could you please reimburse this lady 325 diamonds and chips please , her friend code is 1132204 . Thank you

I am now going to advise players not to buy any party cards for time being until the issues have been sorted . Then saves players expenses , until issues are resolved.

Hope this is ok for now

Best wishes

Loraine x


  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Hi Allie , could you also look into the same ladies account , 1132204 , she's been trying to reply and report the issues, but it's not letting her reply , she's logged in and out , uninstalled and reinstalled , any advice on this please , could you report these issues for the lady please.

    Thank you

    Loraine x
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    I am talking to this lady through my personal email , only way she can report issues just now , through myself

    Any help appreciated x
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Loraine,

    I'm here now so will reimburse this lady straight away.

    You did the right thing re: the party cards and I will message Morpheus to make him aware of the problem.

    On behalf of WPB I apologise for any inconveniences caused. It is still the weekend, but I'll report all faults to the tech team and once they are back to work tomorrow, I am sure they will start working on fixing this issue.

    Best wishes to all

    Allie Walton
    Community Manager, WPB
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    I've looked into Michelle's account, there's been no activity since Friday 16th June, so it looks like her payment didn't go through - I'd like to invite her to bring her receipt if she can, just for verification? I've sent her some goodies for the inconvenience.

    Love, Allie xxxx
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Thank you Allie , all sorted now, receipt sent over to you. Thank you for resolving this for the lady xx
  • i just played with the bingo center square wins diamond and a diamond never showed up for any of the people playing with me
    907755  1954423 1354712 1925249 681911

    hoping to be compensated for some of the losses that occured


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    edited June 2017
    Hello Alex

    I'm sorry, we have a notice on the Forum asking players not to buy party cards at present because there is a fault, and the team are working on a fix, which is taking time.

    The players have a responsibility to check the Forum for any updates, this is why it is here. It is not WPB responsibility if players don't use the Forum.

    I will make a goodwill gesture to you, as you have come to me many times previously and we have worked together to your satisfaction. But I cannot hand out "compensation" to other players without speaking to them personally.

    I'm sure you will understand my position as Community Manager. I deal with one case at a time.

    Many thanks

  • life of the parties are not working , haven't  in 2 weeks  can someone fix this
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Spookie, we know this. Please read the other discussions that mention it. We are working on a fix.

    Many thanks

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