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Party Cards

Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
edited June 2017 in Wild Party Bingo
I am sorry to have to tell you that I don't have any news as to when the Party Cards feature will be up and running again.

I have left messages with Morpheus and the tech team, and all I know is that they are still working on a fix. It has turned out to be more complicated than was first thought.

I'm not tech savvy so I cannot help you. Repeat emails asking me when the feature will be fixed, doesn't help make it happen any faster. I am telling you the truth - I am simply the Community Manager, I have nothing to do with the tech team. I cannot physically do anything, as I live in a different country - I'm in the UK, WPB is in the USA.

So for the time being, please do not purchase any cards, and as soon as I hear any news, I will tell you straight away, or Loraine, our Moderator, will tell you.

Thank you all for your patience.



  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Yes agree Allie , you have done as much as you can, . Tech team finding it difficult to resolve , main thing is , it does not affect game play at all.
    Just don't buy party cards until further notice .

    It's a pain in butt yea , but errors happen.

    Please be patient guys , hopefully not to much longer .

    We will write in forum when ally back up and running xx
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Can you all leave messages questions queries here, rather than Allies email.
    we will post any new info here , when we know .

    Thank you

    Loraine x
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