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my   sincere apologies for writing you on your private page, i didn't know.... as for the complaints, for that i apologize , too, that said, i do now use foul language, accepted southern colloquialisms, or british slang,asi live in the uk.  my friends and i have been slagged off because we're a real team. we also play alot on the slots, therefore, making us go to the tutorial for more helpers, etc.... because there is no facility on wpb to defriend, we can't that said, because we have to go to the tutorial to get more chips and helpers, if our friends are on, their games freeze.  it's neither our fault, or the others. other than than, you should have no serious problems with me, as i'm a nice person, and very pleasant, until we get  buttheads in the room, if no friends in the room, i leave. i honestly  do not try to disrupt someone, i think it's rude this is true,allie,you can check my game history, except i got roaring drunk when my little sister went into hospice, in  south carolina, i'm in england, then weeks later, via fb, i learne that my baby and my baby sister died on 14 would be upset, too. so, my sincere apologies.  i live in england, now, not in south carolina, where i'm from. best regards,grace


Last Active


  • Allie0923
    My dear Grace

    Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your loved ones. I'm Jewish, and when we hear of a death, we say to those left behind, "May you live a long life - Baruch Dayan Ha-emet" which is Hebrew, for, To God be the glory."

    And to be separated at such a time - that is terrible for you. No wonder you reacted in the way you did, you're only human.

    You strike me as a strong team player, and very loyal to your friends. This is a good thing, which most do not appreciate. I do, and understand it. Unfortunately, it can ruffle the feathers of others, and again, as we are all only human, some will react strongly, whereas to others, it's nothing. As long as we all remember, this is a game we are playing - I play because a) I really enjoy it and b) as a distraction from the pain my physical health condition causes me. I am a daily player, just like you, so I watch how others play together and find it fascinating, how strangers come together and become friends. It's lovely to see.

    I hope that we can put this behind us and move on. Life is so short. We should celebrate every day we are here, and enjoy it to the fullest. I wish you tons of good luck and happiness.

    Best wishes

    Allie :)
    April 2016
    • GraceSC
      many thanks,allie! loch hiem(sp?) sorry, my first boyfriend was jewish, and i will defend israel to the death. again, thank you for understanding. i've been on the net since before there were windows....just c:| in1989...xxxxx

      p.s. some people just need to grow up.
    • Allie0923
      Ah, you mean "L'Chaim" To Life! - this is what we say when we make a toast.

      Some people are more mature in their outlook, than others. I always say "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." xxx

  • my   sincere apologies for writing you on your private page, i didn't know....

    as for the complaints, for that i apologize , too, that said, i do now use foul language, accepted southern colloquialisms, or british slang,asi live in the uk. 

    my friends and i have been slagged off because we're a real team. we also play alot on the slots, therefore, making us go to the tutorial for more helpers, etc....

    because there is no facility on wpb to defriend, we can't

    that said, because we have to go to the tutorial to get more chips and helpers, if our friends are on, their games freeze.  it's neither our fault, or the others.

    other than than, you should have no serious problems with me, as i'm a nice person, and very pleasant, until we get  buttheads in the room, if no friends in the room, i leave. i honestly  do not try to disrupt someone, i think it's rude

    this is true,allie,you can check my game history, except i got roaring drunk when my little sister went into hospice, in  south carolina, i'm in england, then weeks later, via fb, i learne that my baby and my baby sister died on 14 would be upset, too.

    so, my sincere apologies.  i live in england, now, not in south carolina, where i'm from.

    best regards,grace

    April 2016
  • Allie0923
    Hello Grace

    This is my private message box, please can you post your questions in the main Forum in future, please?

    I'm sorry, I'm not technically minded - all I can suggest is that you load Adobe Flash Player, then restart your machine.

    Grace, I'm afraid that I have received messages from some other players,
    team mates that you play with, making complaints about you. (Please see the Forum post entitled "cathy67") I have received emails from other players, with similarly worded complaints.

    Now as
    Community Manager, I am duty bound to bring these complaints to your
    attention, and I do not take sides. Each side has their own story to
    tell, and I must remain impartial.

    It is a great shame when there
    are break ups in friendships. But as adults, we all must take
    responsibility for any part we play. Here at WPB, we see ourselves as
    one big happy family - even in the best of families, there can at times,
    be a little unpleasantness. All being well, we can make up, shake
    hands, and continue to play the best bingo and slots game on the
    internet  :o)

    If I can be of any help to you, please don't hesitate to contact me.

    Best wishes

    Community Manager
    April 2016
  • how do I send friends chips or diamonds? is that possible?
    March 2016