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Hi Allie. Your Team needs to check the Party wheel Please. It did it again to me. I spinned and it hit 4,000 and it did not add it to my chips. I told Jason yesterday , what I lost & now I lost again. Please return my lost to me. I have been putting 100 dollars in allmost everyday. My Grandson was watching with me to make sure it adds it & he seen he didn't. Thank You My Friend & God Bless. Love You.  Heike was trying to reach you but you were gone. She told me about her mom & being Hacked. I told her to report it to FB & change her account. How can you still be playing if you lost everything?


Last Active


  • Hi Allie. Your Team needs to check the Party wheel Please. It did it again to me. I spinned and it hit 4,000 and it did not add it to my chips. I told Jason yesterday , what I lost & now I lost again. Please return my lost to me. I have been putting 100 dollars in allmost everyday. My Grandson was watching with me to make sure it adds it & he seen he didn't. Thank You My Friend & God Bless. Love You.  Heike was trying to reach you but you were gone. She told me about her mom & being Hacked. I told her to report it to FB & change her account. How can you still be playing if you lost everything?
    February 2016
  • Allie my friends code is 167824.
    February 2016
  • Thank You Allie for becoming My Friend. I hope I can help you as much as I can. I would hate not to be able to be playing on WPB either. I hope they work fast to get you back on with us. I would like you to let your Team know that the Party wheel is not paying out right. I got alot of my spins payed but then a couple of them didn't add it. I had one for 40.000 & 4.000 that is the 100% amount. Could you ask them if I could get that back Please. Thank You My Friend & Take Care . Love You.
    February 2016
  • Allie0923
    Cynthia, it was great talking to you tonight. I wanted to give you a
    heads up about Heike, she was talking in the chat box, and said that she
    was so upset, because someone had hacked her FB and stolen all her chip
    and diamonds and now she only had 105 chips left to play with, and she
    pulled all the sad crying faces  :O( like that.
    Well I saw this and I
    just thought, I'm waiting to get an email, asking for the chips and
    diamonds to be replaced. So far there is no email from her, but if she
    des, I will tell her that we can't help her as this is a FB problem, not
    a WPB problem. I may throw her 5000 chips, as a gesture of goodwill, as
    this is what Jason would expect of me, but her days of ripping off WPB
    are over. Thanks all to you, for telling me, and opening my eyes to her
    lies and deceit.
    I may have another one, called Misty Hall, can you
    keep an eye on her too, please? She claimed to have lost 217,000 chips
    in one week caused by the game lagging - and only playing bingo - not
    the slots! So I went back to her and I told her that it wasn't possible
    to lose such a huge amount just by playing bingo alone. I made a
    goodwill geture to her, and she emailed back, saying that the game had
    lagged -- but get this - she also said "I've had a streak of bad luck in
    the game, lol" So to me, this was her admitting that she had indeed,
    played the slots aas well as the bingo, and had a losing streak. If she
    had been telling the truth, she would have fought hard to get the
    217,000 reimbursed - but she didn't. She accepted what I gave her - less
    than half of that amount - and thanked me. That told me, that she was
    lying, and had lied to me from the start.
    You see, my eyes are
    becoming wider all the time. I've worked in Customer Service nearly all
    my working life, but this is the first time doing it online - face to
    face is very different, you can easily pick up if someone is trying to
    hoodwink you, by looking at the face and body language. Online, I have
    nothing to go on, but my gut instinct - and I listen to my gut all the
    time, it never lets me down. Saying that, I have to take people at face
    value, and give them all the benefit of the doubt - I treat everyone as
    open and honest, and hope they do the same with me. The majority,
    including your good self, are open and honest - but about 5% are not,
    and part of my job is to protect WPB from being ripped off. All I can
    do, is my best. And I thank you for all the information that you give
    me, because it helps Jason to keep his company safe. He works incredibly
    hard, and he deserves the best. I want to do all I can to help him. It
    has made me very angry with my internet provider, keeping me offline for
    10 days, but there is nothing I can do. And 10 days away from WPB, when
    I have been here for hours during the day, every day, for nearly a year
    - how will I cope? LOL. Anyway, bedtime for me, take care my friend,
    speak soon, love you!
    February 2016
  • Allie0923
    Hi Cynthia, I've reimbursed everything you lost plus a few little extras, I trust you and I know you wouldn't rip off WPB like some have. I asked you to message me because I wanted to tell you that Heike has done it again, but this time I told Jason immediately before I took any action. This time she asked for 950,000 chips and as many diamonds, she said she hadn't noticed they were gone because her mum had died 2 days before. Jason told me to reimburse her this time, but to keep an eye on her. I did this, and she messaged me and said that it was a mystery as to where her coins had gone "just like my mum" I was astounded at this, and Jason said she was either lying, or that she was just weird. Personally, my gut tells me that she has lied from the start. I wouldn't be playing on a bingo game within 2 days of losing a family member, but then again, that's just me. Please could you let me know if she mentions about losing very large sums of chips again? Thank you again my friend, and if the game misbehaves itself, just let me know, I will always see you right. Take care, love Allie xx
    February 2016
  • Allie. That Heike doing it again to Jason. Please warn your team that she does this everyday. All she wants is you to pay her , to play the slots when she losses. Thank You Allie. I am just trying to help & don't want anyone to keep taking advantage of WPB.

    February 2016
  • Thank You Allie. This was very fair & very appreciated. I haven't had to many problems lately but I guess it happens sometimes. I am glad you see some players like to take advantage of your kindness. I will continue watching for things happening, when your not playing. I don't mind spending money on your game, if I have it & the only game I will. Take care & much Love to you Allie. Your the Best & WPB can see that & so can I.
    February 2016
  • Allie0923
    Hello again

    I've reimbursed everything you lost plus a little something extra for the upset, please let me now if you feel I've been fair.

    Take care and much love to you

    Allie  x
    February 2016