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'Delete [stalker] Friend' Option Please...!!!

Wouldn't think it was possible for a fellow WPB player to carry a virus of sorts but when she enters the room, several of us freeze up immediately.
This has been like clockwork for weeks now & especially annoying when we have a good team going... irritating as hell to be honest lol. "Here she comes again, RUN!!"


  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello ShariDean

    I'm very sorry to hear about this, but I have to tell you that it simply isn't possible for another player to cause a room to freeze up.

    If you have experienced losses when this has happened, I can reimburse you, if you send me your Friend Code.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best wishes

    Community Manager
  • Hey Allie! I appreciate your reply, thank you, dear.
    I didn't think it was possible for another player to have a "virus" it goes against common sense however, something is definitely going on... she enters, we freeze it's that simple. If we had a Delete Friend option I'm convinced it would prove quite profitable for Asylum Lab long-term.
    Thanks again Allie! :(|)
  • shari, I find that when I play in the singles (free) room, I see my friends on there, and they say it's freezing! I do nothing, but that's the only thing I can think of - if you're in the singles room, your friends in another room will freeze - it's not done intentionally - I play a lot of slots, so I need lots of chips, hence, I don't play often in the other rooms anymore. if it's me, I sincerely apologize, but it's totally unintentional. xxxxx
  • Hi Allie, I agree with GraceSC. It seems if we have a mutual friend playing singles it somehow does crossover into our game. They will even take the first place bingo and then disappear. When the game ends it freezes. It is not just GraceSC I have noticed with a lot of "friends". Thank You for your time. Have a great day!! Faith. :)
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Thanks, Faith, for your input here, it's valuable to us  :)

    Best wishes

  • MorpheusMorpheus Administrator
    'Delete Friend' feature is on the roadmap, we dont have a release date but we do recognize this is a good idea for many reasons.  Thanks!
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