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  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Brisky

    I'm sorry you've had problems again, I've refunded your losses to you now.

    You can rely on Loraine and Sherrie, the new moderators, to look after you, as well as me - they can't refund but they can get messages to me if I'm needed.

    Take care

  • Hello Allies sorry to bother you but I'm having trouble I've been disconnected from server and I took me forever to get connected to the feedback this is happening quite often now what's going on
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Brisky

    I'm sorry, I don't know what is causing the problem, but the tech team are working  on a fix.

    Best wishes

  • Thank you for the refund but I just lost it again and I was disconnected before that I'm just getting to log on to report my losses I'm sorry to be such a bother a lot of times I don't even report my losses
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    I've refunded you again, hope things get better for you now.

    Best wishes

  • Hello Allie I'm back again sorry I was disconnected from the server while playing in the single bingo room and it took me forever to get in the forum to even leave a message wow
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Did you get me a screenshot of when it happened, Brisky?
  • 11/3/2016
    Hi Allie,
     Well, the curse is back! I played WPB  yesterday, as usual and TODAY I got the dreaded message "You missed a day so it will cost you 35 diamonds to reset the daily spin number (aarrgghh!!! )
    I paid it ~so can you please reimburse me for those 35 diamonds  since I did NOT miss a day!! :(

    Donna aka dneth
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    edited November 2016
    Oh Donna - what can I say to you but GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR -  I know you didn't miss a day  :(

    I do not believe it - I thought it was fixed - I'll tell the tech team again.

    Jut so long as you remember to bring this to me, I'll make sure you're ok. I hope you know this by now - I will take care of you.

    I've refunded the 35, plus a little something extra. I hope it's ok.

    Take care

  • 03 Nov 2016

    THANK you Allie!   and for the extra goodies .....YOU are the BEST  :)
    Hope I don't have to complain again for a long time !!

    Donna aka dneth
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    So do I, Donna - fingers crossed!  :D
  • dnethdneth Member
    edited November 2016
    Nov 6, 2016
    Hi Allie, NEW complaint...I have noticed this happening  before at WPB but did not complain...

    Today I got a notice that I had a new achievement award: "Daily Master" for playing 60 days in a row (even though you & I know it has been MORE than 60 days  but my daily counter keeps fouling up!) anyway, I digress...

    So I go to the page showing achievements and it shows my reward will be 200 diamonds and 500 chips....and shows me the 'collect reward' link to click...which I do! I ASSUME I will get those items .

    BUT NO diamonds were added to my current count of 57 diamonds and NO chips were added.

    Am I wrong in assuming I SHOULD have received these ?

    Donna aka dneth
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Donna

    You've misunderstood what was offered - it's 200 XP points which would have been added instantly, and then 500 chips. No one receives diamonds for these achievements.

    Don't worry about the "Daily..." Last week I received my Daily Master after being in the game now for coming up 18 months!

    Any problems, bring them my way. I'm thinking you and me should sit round a camp fire, make some toast, and trade WPB weekly laughs and gaffs.

    Take care,

  • Sounds good Allie!... Thanks for the info altho' I have no idea what XP points are or where there are listed :)
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    edited November 2016
    XP points are found in your profile, Donna, and also in the green bar beside the level number you are at. The higher the number, the more XP you need to get to the next level. You get XP from playing bingo. Hope this helps

  • Good morning this is more a question than complaint. I notice almost daily that the same group of players win and win big on the slots, I've won big twice and since then which was 3 weeks ago can't seem to win anything, but the same players win daily and mostly quite a few times every day. Is there some secret I don't know. It just gets a little irritating when you try to win the points and gems and you read on the bar the same names daily winning huge amounts just inquiring.
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Hi crazy granny. I'm daily player of slots , I win loads , reason being in my opinion , i spent loads money buying saving all my chips up . I got to 10 million chips , before I started playing 5000 spin , you always win big with 5000 spin , I win millions daily by playing them. Do loose millions some times, but u defo need a good amount of chips to play slots without loosing them.
    I can assure you there's no secrets or cheats for slots, I'm up to 718 million chips now , so can never loose , I play slots for hours some days, loose a bit , but always win back and more quick. That's how I started building chips up for months . Then hit slots.
    This is just my opinion of how it works for me
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Was I one of the ones you were referring to about winning slots? If you can tell me who the others are, who win big , I will be glad to ask them for you, see how they play , see if they can give you some advice also.

    Best wishes

    Loraine xx

    Ps. Fingers crossed you have some good luck soon with slots
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    There is no secret to winning big on the slots. Why do players keep asking this? It's as Loraine says, you have to speculate, to accumulate. And how is it possible to cheat on internet slots?

    I have been playing slots for nearly 2 years. I've won the Jackpot ONCE. I have good days, and bad days. On good days, I've seen me win 3 green mice @ 5000 bet, 6 or 7 times. I regularly win the hippy girl on the 60's slots, and that is worth nearly  4 million chips.

    So for the final time, there is no secret. Follow Loraine's advice, and you'll be fine.
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Very true Allie , it's just building up chips over time etc, defo no cheats etc, if I'm honest , I used to think the same , how do they do it etc at the beginning , till I watched learned, built up . xx
  • Sorry I didn't mean no harm I was just curious, I will mention no names for that's not fair. I truly ment no harm just was inquiring have a nice day ladies
  • LoraineLoraine Member, Moderator
    Hi it's no problem at all crazy granny , always best to ask , say how you feel etc.
    We know no harm was meant .

    Best wishes

  • crybaby1crybaby1 Member, Moderator
    Hi crazygranny, I use to feel the same way.I started playing them only betting a 100, then when it would start hiting i would raise my bet to 2500 then if it was still hitting i would go to 5000,, and i play mostly the wpb and the 70's one. and when wpb isn't hitting i would go to the other slot and over the last 3 months i have gotton to over 6000 diamonds and 10 million in chips,, and usually i'll drop a 100 thousand in it and if i dont hit nothing i qiut and go back later.... hope that helps ya a little   Sherrie

  • It does help thank you. It just gets kinda discouraging cuz I love play wpb but have to be careful of points because I really don't have the money to buy points. But that's ok I still get to play and meet awesome people like yourself , allie and Lorraine your all awesome. Thanks for the encouragement
  • crybaby1crybaby1 Member, Moderator
    YVW...And i dont know if anyone has told you, but you can go through the tutorial and get all the chips and power ups ya want but ya have to win... so what i did was go play the first game you always win the 1st game get out then go back in. you can acuire quite a bit there.... 
  • Love your games, slots are amazing!!! Bingo is my favorite, just gets frustrating when I get a bingo, there are still to go & I don't get credit for it!! More numbers being called & I am waiting!!! Loosing diamonds is just as frustrating along with lagging & freezing.... Still playing, wish you could fix these issues.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Lilslyfox143, if you can bring your Friend Code to me, its a series of numbers on your profile, then I will reimburse any losses that you have.

    Many thanks

    Community Manager
  • Yes crybaby Lorraine has told me about the singles room for getting chips and I do go play there.
  • Good morning. Quick question does wild party bingo also have a slot casino app that can be downloaded and played on iPhone. The reason I ask is when I log on for first time each day there's an ad that says wild party bingo and wild party casino. But I looked and can't seem to find the casino so was wondering if it has a different name. Thanks for any information. Have a nice day ladies
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator

    Not that I'm aware of at the moment, I don't know if it's on the roadmap for the future.

    Many thanks

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