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  • Hi Allie...Got the gift of the Diamonds replacement +!!
    TY so much...if not for you I would give up and leave WPB forever!  I mean that sincerely!

  • Hi Allie while I was playing in the single bingo room I bingoed and it said bad call and so I bingoed again and it did the same thing bad call don't know what's going on please help BRISKY 716387 Thank you
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Donna, it's a pleasure to help you, I hope you know that!
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Brisky, I've refunded you now. Take care, Allie
  • Hello Allie sorry to bother you but I was disconnected from the server while playing in the single bingo room Thank you for all your help 716387
  • It's me again I was disconnected while playing in the Vegas room bought my two cards and bam disconnected. 716387 Thank you Allie
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Dear Helen

    I apologise for not resolving this issue for you
    sooner. I'm not feeling very well at present, but I am making sure that I
    am taking care of everyone.

    I've refunded what you lost. I've also sent you a small token,
    as by way of an apology for the inconvenience caused to you.

    Best wishes

  • Hello Allie hope your feeling better thank you for resolving my problem but I was disconnected again while playing in the single bingo room sorry to be such a bother 716387
  • I don't understand how to see the response to my reports I send
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello again Helen

    I've fixed the issue for you

    Have a lovely day

    Allie  :)
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello Liz

    I don't understand what you mean - if you report a problem to me here, I will see it and try to resolve it for you.

    Do you have any problems with the game at the moment?

    Many thanks

    Allie  :)
  • Hi Allie good morning, I have been having trouble everyday several times a day. Either with daily spins not getting them to game freezing and losing credits I barely even get to slot machines not paying on wins. Always something and it frustrates me to where I just want to uninstall game, I like it and actually look forward to it lol. I can't even bingo to complete a collection to even advance, bingos fast. Thank you for responding to my message.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hello again Liz  :)

    If you could bring me your Friend Code, which is a series of numbers on your profile, then I can refund the chips that you've lost. This means you can keep playing the game that you enjoy so much!  :D

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Allie   :)
  • 1173329 my friend code
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    There you go, Liz - hopefully what I have sent you will make a little difference  :)

    Best wishes

  • Did not receive whatever you sent.
  • Hello Allie hope your feeling better well I was doing great up until now I was disconnected from the server while playing in the single bingo room sorry for the inconvenience THANK YOU 716387
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Liz, I have resent the refund, you have **394 in chips  and *0 in diamonds - this is to prove to you that I have been into your account today.

    Many thanks

  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Hi Brisky

    I've sent you a message, and a refund.

    Many thanks

  • What game did you refund?
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    I refunded the account number that you gave me, Liz - there is only one game - WPB (this one)

    Thank you.
  • Now I'm so confused lol. I have all my problems in Bingo blitz and when I report my problems with game I send them to the support team for this game Bingo blitz . What game does asylum support?
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    WILD PARTY BINGO This is the only game we support.
  • Wow I play that also, but I wonder how I get responses from WPB from their support page. Thank you for all your help. Time to go play bingo lol. Good night.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    Liz, this game, this Forum, right here on this page? Is WILD PARTY BINGO

    It's not Bingo Blitz, never has been  -  and I'm the Community Manager for WPB, I've replied/responded to you every step of the way. I talk to all players, whether it be here on the Forum, or in emails, or Facebook messages.

    WPB have the BEST customer support!!!!
  • I'm just wondering how when I hit the report button when it shows on my screen when my game freezes it goes to you. Anyways thank you for your response to my concerns on a game that isn't part of you all. You have been a great help. Have a good day
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    You're welcome  :)
  • Thank you, Allie.  You`re too kind!  Just received my free spin.  It`s very nice.  Thank you,  again.
  • Allie0923Allie0923 Member, Moderator
    You're more than welcome!  :)
  • dnethdneth Member
    edited September 2016
    Sept 30

    Hi Allie

    TODAY when I opened WPB there was NO daily free spin option...Now I suppose I'll get a message tomorrow telling me I 'missed a day' and will be reset to day one AGAIN!!

    AND....once again last week,  I got up to 200  on my daily free spins and I got the message "You missed a day'...which I did NOT miss ~so they restarted me at day 1...this is at least the 3rd or 4th time this has happened.
    I wish WPB would stop adding more and more 'frills' ( like the active party  stuff they have recently added!) and wish they would CONCENTRATE on improving the basics of the game like the free day spins which constantly reset to day 1 no matter what I do!! It's so aggravating and costs me chips and diamonds every time !!

    I love playing the game but I get angry and threaten to stop when they screw up my stats! aarrggh

    An UNHAPPY customer here :(

    Donna aka dneth
    Friend # 148767
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